Sunday, October 25, 2009

It's Been Awhile

The reason I don't post often, is that I have a boring life and my good wife tells it all- and can type a lot faster than I.
Tim is still sick, but is working on his house renos for a bit each day. The house is starting to look good- he has installed a few more recepticals and 3 and 4 way light switches. He has added 2 smoke/Co2 alarms upstairs and has his new service connection schedule for next week.
His cupboards are now white, and although not finished are looking good.
I have been poking along on the renos in Jacks, but it seems that not much is happening.
Got all the insurance stuff completed for the old truck and I think the Altima is going in yto the body shop next week.
The garden is bare, more tha half of the carrots ended up in the compost, as we didn't get them out before they froze. It's a nice day today, so Theresa will get some of the fall work done.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Theresa and Geoff purchased a treadmill today. They were on sale at Sears, and when we went to look at them at the Rocky store last night, they didn't have any of the ones on sale, but showed us a couple that they did have on display. We weren't sure if we should get one, even though we have been talking about it for ages. I went back today and asked for his best price on the floor model- he got out his calculator, scratched his head a bit, and said - how 'bout $719.00 (the regular price was$1599.99)
So now after another good sales job we can walk indoors. (Theresa swears that a good salesperson could sell us anything- they just have to be somewhat knowledgeable and interested in selling)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

As of today Jan 19, Geoff is on Medical Leave. After the latest stupidity, I decided it was time for a break from "that place"
The straw was suffering 'consequences' for having a deer hit the side of my truck while driving to work a couple of weeks ago. There was no recognition for missing the deer that jumped out in front of me, but I can no longer drive to and from work because of the deer hitting me. (the deer suffered a worst fate)
I don't mind riding with Archie, let him dodge the deer, but I hate being treated like a 10 year old.
After I had the incident, my vehicle data monitor wouldn't download, so I guess it was automatically assumed that I was speeding. I talked to my foreman today, and he had sent the car chip away to be analyzed, and the results came back that I was traveling 89 kph on a 100 kph highway. Not speeding by any stretch.
Anyway I am recovering at home for 3-4 weeks.
Theresa has been making sure that I am not calling or being called from the plant so I indeed have time away.
I rescinded my retirement notice a couple of weeks ago because of the lousy economy and the impending recession, so I don't know what will happen when I go back.
Just living day to day right now.