Thursday, December 20, 2007

Christmas is almost upon us

The tree is up ! I was in Edmonton yesterday and when I (and Sam) got home the tree was up and decorated. I never even touched the tree, as Th & Gr selected, cut and loaded/unloaded it on Sunday and decorated it Wednesday. I had a good time in Edm.. Always nice to stay at Chez Judith,
and I got a bit of Christmas shopping done. Made the mistake of going to WEM on Tuesday though- that place is just toooooo big. It has lots of variety, but it takes forever to find anything. I did manage to find some flatware at Winners to match the ones we bought a few months ago. I had a total brain fart on Wednesday,and didn't get over to Al's place at all. I was all over the city several times as I got all the way down to Ikea and realized that I had left my dr. licence, CCs and all sitting on the table at Judes' place. I had planned to stop at Costco, but alas had no card with me, so Sam and I stopped after I picked him up. Sorry Al for the lack of help in your move.
Getting to feel a bit Christmasy here with the tree up, Sam home , Gracecounting the hours of school until holidays begin, and no work for me until 2008 !!!
Will/Anne-post something !

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Another Week

Here it is Saturday again, with not much new. Hockey here today and Innisfail tomorrow.
T's Christmas party tonite. Still no snow.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Geoff,Theresa and Grace (and Jovita)have just come home from an exiting weekend of hockey, visiting and shopping. Grace had a tournament in New Serapta (about 30 km east of Leduc) this weekend, with the first game being at 8:00 Friday evening. Theresa and I couldn't get away until after work, so Grace bummed a ride with Jovita,s family. Jovita then stayed with us. They had one game Saturday afternoon, which left the morning for a visit to West Edmonton Mall. Grace and Jo hasd a good shopping trip if the number of bags they packed into the car was any indication.
The hockey results weren't as good, as they lost all 3 of their games, the last one this morning in a shootout after some one minute periods of 4 on 4, then 3 on 3, then 2 on 2 (a couple of those) It was a tough loss- they played with heart and with lots of second effort. It was probably the best game they have played.
Hockey aside we had a good visit with J and supper out with Jude Al and Sam.
We ate at the Lingnan, and all came away stuffed.
Hockey aside, there is not too much new here. It was snowing in Edm, when we left, but we have still had none here. Theresa and I were able to get out for a walk around the trail after we got home- cool breese, but nice and sunny-gotta love Alberta sunshine !

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Chocolate Day

It was the annual chocolate frensie at out house today. We had a good time and finished in record time in spite of the fact that we were missing most of the help that is usually with us. Theresa and Judith did much of the dipping, but Grace took the afternoon off work to help. We hsd to go to the store for more chocolate once.

Monday, November 5, 2007

We had a good trip to Edmonton on the weekend, having a good visit with the sisters (including Lisa).Went to see Al's new house, and did a bit of the needed work of carpet removal. The place looks a bit forelorn now, but you can clearly see the possibilities. I think that all of the places will be great when the planned work is complete.Grace had a SADD conference in Edm on the weekend, but managed to get away for a bit to go to an Oilers game with Tim. The oil lost, but they both enjoyed the game anyway. G had a game in Warburg on Sun, so we stopped there on the way home- she found her own way to the game.
It snowed over the weekend, and it looks as if winter is here to stay (yuck) It is not cold, but the snow makes it seem colder than it is.
Not much else new here.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Just posted on family ramblings (I think) and my 2 fingers are just about worn out.
Not much new here, Grace had a visit with the school counceller today and it seems that pharmacy is the way she wants to go, BA-you may want to talk to here,as you know the ins and outs.
Went to Edmonton on Sunday for Thelma Ronin's funeral on Monday. It was a sad time, but was good to see the Robins cousins again. We lose touch so easily in our busy lives.
My fingers have had it! (both of them)

Friday, October 12, 2007

Weekend coming.

Not much new in our lives. Awards night at the High School tonight. Grace go an award for Gr 11 Honours, and Slim got The Rutherford and Gr. 12 Honours with Distinction. (pretty good for a guy who didn't go to school last year) Sam could not make it home to accept his award though.
Weather has been fairly nice- not really warm but not frigid either. They are pridicting 13-15 deg highs for the weekend, so may get some more work done at the lake before the fall park inspections.I've also been trying to clean out the garage- does anyone want some "stuff"? That is stuff that may come in handy some day, but in the meantime is somethig either filling every horizontal surface or residing on the floor, always waiting to trip you up. I took lots to the Museum garage sale a few weeks ago, but I swear that the stuff multiplies over the week. I still do not have Theresa's cold-blooded throw away mentality, but I am starting to consider how lilely it is that I will ever need some of the "stuff".

Sunday, October 7, 2007

I quickly decided to move my blog business to Blogger as comments come without cost. I presume the Diaryland Blog will at some point fall into the great bit bucket and exist no more, at some point.
Jude and Sam are here for the Thanksgiving holiday. We are having turkey tonight, with spuds that were dug about 10 minures ago. We have already got all the carrots in, so they won't be quite as fresh. Theresa made c-rolls yesterday, so good eats here today.